Germany extends its WEEE scope to cover passive equipment
by Emma Mundy at 12:39 in Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

From May 1, 2019 WEEE scope is being extended to passive equipment such as cables, sockets, plugs, switches, aerials and busbars in Germany. The new rule is only of relevance to end-equipment designed for operation with a maximum alternating voltage (AC) of 1,000 volts or a maximum direct voltage (DC) of 1,500 volts. Passive devices belong to categories ...
Costa Coffee are on a mission to recycle take away coffee cups
by Emma Mundy at 15:24 in Environmental, Circular Economy, Packaging under Environmental
At RWM this year we heard from Costa Coffee on how they are making sure that plastic lined take away coffee cups are being recycled. This is big news right now, consumers are more aware than ever of the environmental impacts of plastic and are turning against items such as single use take away cups. The Environment Audit Committee proposed a latte levy an...

Plastic bans across the globe: How they might affect you
by Emma Mundy at 15:40 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Plastic is the buzzword of the moment in both industry and with consumers. Industry is faced with a tide of regulations, policy and voluntary initiatives whilst consumers are becoming more aware than ever the effect their consumption is having on the environment and our planet, you only need to look at the Instagram hashtags and campaigns to see that cons...
Meet Lorax Compliance for free 121 advice at Edie Live
by Emma Mundy at 10:02 in Circular Economy, Battery, Environmental, Emerging, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
Lorax Compliance are attending Edie Live on 22-23 May, 2018, at the NEC in Birmingham. Edie Live aims to show you how to achieve a sustainable future. The event is tailor made to fit the needs of sustainability, energy and resource professionals. It offers seminars, workshops and advice clinics. At the event Lorax Compliance will be offering free 121 advi...

Indian state Maharashtra bans certain types of plastics and implements a DRS
by Emma Mundy at 10:10 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Maharashtra, India's second most populous state is banning certain types of disposable plastic. A plastic ban has been introduced in the state through the Maharashtra Plastic and polystyrene Products (Manufacture, Usage, Sale, Transport, Handling and Store) Notification, 2018, which was published under the Maharashtra Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control) A...
Germany Packaging Act changes
by Emma Mundy at 14:45 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
If you're used to reading our regular updates you will already be aware that the German Packaging Act is changing from January 2019. This short blog aims to give you the low down on some of the important changes that may affect you and what you need to prepare for in the next 8 months. Registration requirement One of the changes that will affect produce...

Germany WEEE legislative Changes
by Emma Mundy at 13:01 in Environmental, WEEE under Environmental

As with other EU countries, on 15 August numerous legislative changes to the German WEEE Act ElektroG will come into force. This blog aims to inform you of the changes and if you need to act. From 15 August 2018 Open Scope will be applicable in Germany under ElektroG, from this time all electrical and electronic equipment will fall into scope of the WEEE...
Ireland clamps down on producer responsibility for tyres
by Emma Mundy at 10:57 in Environmental under Environmental
New regulations have been introduced in Ireland for the end of life waste management of tyres. Legislation has been introduced as there is a lack of information regarding the tyre market in Ireland. By putting an obligation on producers to report they will be able to get data on the number of tyres being placed on the market and how many end up as waste....

The state of play with packaging compliance in Germany
by Emma Mundy at 11:10 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Back in August Dual Systems, otherwise known as compliance schemes, Der Grüne Punkt, BellandVision and Interseroh released a statement to announce that they are terminating their clearing agreements. They stated that some systems are repeatedly failing to meet their obligations and that new clearing agreements ensure fair competition and an equitable tra...
Brexit and REACH - What does it mean for UK companies?
by Emma Mundy at 15:56 in Content, Environmental under Environmental
What will happen to REACH legislation in the UK once we leave the EU? There has been much speculation over the past few months as to which regulatory direction UK REACH will head in once we leave the EU. This blog aims to give you the latest developments for chemical legislation in the UK in light of Brexit. Background The EU regulati...

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) set to discuss widening the designated material categories under their packaging and printed paper scheme.
by Emma Mundy at 13:04 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Éco Entreprises Quebec has released a statement to say that they are currently considering adding containers, packaging and printed matter sold as short-lived products and those produced through the B2B trade to the designated materials classes. This change will contribute to their ongoing efforts to stabilise the materials rates. Background EEQ is a n...
Today the EU Council and the European Parliament reach a provisional agreement on a revised RoHS Directive
by Emma Mundy at 14:43 in Circular Economy, Content, Emerging, Environmental, WEEE under Environmental
This afternoon at 15.15 the EU Council announced that they have reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a proposal for the revision of the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Directive. Just last week on the 14 June we reported that the Council had agreed its negotiat...
Recent updates to CONAI diversification of plastic contribution
by Emma Mundy at 13:02 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Following on from our last blog CONAI: Plastic Packaging Reporting Changes here are the latest updates on packaging compliance in Italy and how you should be reporting for the remainder of 2017. We have outlined two major changes in the CONAI scheme and we now have further information on the details and reporting schedules required.As a refresher, CONAI w...
Should you be reporting under new EPR regulations in Chile?
by Emma Mundy at 15:35 in Battery, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a global issue and no longer contained in regulation within the EU. Latin America has recently seen a surge in EPR style legislation being implemented and many countries are in various stages of development of EPR regulations, Chile is no exception. Today's blog focusses on what you should be doing if you sell cer...
Summary of changes to environmental product law in Hungary
by Emma Mundy at 11:25 in Battery, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
A standalone Amendment to the environmental protection product fee has been brought in effective from 1 January 2017. There are no major changes to the legislation, however it brings about clarification on a number of issues. Chain transactions The rules on chain transactions have been clarified. A change to the legislation last year meant that foreign ...
To Compete or not Compete: Looking at Competition vs. Monopoly in EPR schemes
by Emma Mundy at 08:40 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Across the world PRO organisations are available for companies to join in order to comply with their Extended Producer Responsibility reporting. Compliance schemes are membership organisations that register members with the relevant authority and ensure that companies meet their financial obligations under the different EPR directives. Some countries have...
Can you avoid the reporting treadmill this year?
by Emma Mundy at 08:10 in Battery, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
The EU's focus on resource preservation and reuse has put manufacturers under increasing pressure over the past two decades to meet strict legislative requirements on environmental reporting. This has created a tricky path for producers to navigate as reporting requirements differ in each country. Depending on the size of your company, you could have come...

Compliance Notice: Changes to Portugal packaging waste compliance
by Emma Mundy at 16:17 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Sociedade Pontoverde, the Portuguese packaging compliance scheme, will only deal with household packaging waste from 1 January 2017. Packaging to be submitted will include packaging of fast moving consumer goods – primary, check out bags and multipacks.SPV will no longer manage secondary or tertiary packaging for the packaging of fast moving consumer good...
CONAI: Plastic Packaging reporting changes
by Emma Mundy at 14:15 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
CONAI, the Italian packaging scheme, are making changes to their reporting requirements in 2017. The first amendment will be to diversify the environmental contribution for plastic packaging based upon the environmental impact it has. Plastic has been chosen as it is the most complex material in terms of variety of types, selection and recycling technolog...
Changes to the Rinki packaging waste submission, Finland.
by Emma Mundy at 15:28 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
If you are gearing up to submit your 2017 packaging waste report to RINKI in Finland please note that there have been some changes to the submission based on 2016 sales. The key changes are new fees and new reporting categories.New CategoriesThe form now includes some additional rows for plastic which are: plastic packaging for consumers, shopping bags fo...
Changes to India's E-waste (Management) Rules, October 2016
by Emma Mundy at 15:40 in Environmental, WEEE under Environmental
WEEE Legislation has been active in India since 2011, however an update in October has made some changes to their e-waste (management) rules. Read our blog to ensure you have all the information on the changes and to keep yourselves compliant. What is it? On October 1 2016 E-Waste (Management) Rules 2016 came into force in India. The previous E-Waste Mana...
Slovakia Waste Act Changes - Packaging
by Emma Mundy at 12:29 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
The new Slovakia Waste Management Act 79/2015 Coll. came into force in January 2016, with some provisions of the act valid from July 2016, to increase the separate collection and recycling of certain types of waste. The new act governs the entire waste management sector. The act covers electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulator...
Making the most of packaging, are incentives needed?
by Emma Mundy at 06:59 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Last month our blogs focussed around disposable coffee cups and the amount of waste they produce in landfill, and in June we looked at the effect plastic packaging is having on our oceans. There is currently considerable publicity surrounding these topics and the media is quick to notice the environmental effects and their social issues. However, it's imp...
Take Back obligations now apply in Germany
by Emma Mundy at 07:37 in Environmental, WEEE under Environmental
Germany transposed the WEEE recast in October 2015 through ElektroG2. The law allowed for certain obligations to be phased in. As of Monday 25 July the take back obligation for traders of waste electrical equipment entered into force. The obligation to take back applies to both retailers and online traders with a sales or shipping/storage space of >40...
Changes to Plastics are making waves
by Emma Mundy at 07:04 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy, Emerging under Environmental
In recognition of World Oceans day 2016, this month's blog is dedicated to all things plastic and the environmental solutions we can all contribute to lessen the amount of plastic waste ending up in our oceans. Because there's no two ways about it, plastic is polluting the ocean. World Oceans Day on 8 June aimed to raise awareness of the impact that plast...
Don’t get Caught Out! Penalties do exist under Producer Responsibility Legislation
by Emma Mundy at 15:45 in Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
Are you aware of the penalties in place for non-compliance with producer responsibility legislation not just in the UK but across the EU?The Environment Agency today published information regarding Babz Media Ltd, who have been ordered to pay £45,500 in fines and £8,724.98 in costs for non-compliance with packaging, WEEE and batteries legislation. A first...